ARC中文动保小百科(APpedia)国际水准的动物保护百科全书 - 中国的动物保护法规Animal Protection Regulations In China


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主编及主导师Editor in Chief and Principal Supervisor: Dr Jenia Meng

中国的动物保护法规Animal Protection Regulations In China



中国参与的与动物保护相关的国际公约 The link is an overview of International agreements of animal protection that the People's Republic of China participates

《宪法》第九条:“保护珍贵的动物和植物” Article 9 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, published in 1982. "The state ensures the rational use of natural resources and protects rare animals and plants. "

《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法》1988 Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife 1988 此外还有其他级别的野生动物保护法规,具体请阅读In addition to the national law, there are many regional regulations of wildlife protection, Please see 中国和野生动物保护相关的法律法规.

中国全国及省级的实验动物保护法规 The link is an overview of lab animal protection regulations and guidelines of the People's Republic of China, national and provincial.

伴侣动物方面目前中国有的法规可上网搜索 “养犬管理条例 遗弃 虐待”等关键字,这种行为在多地被禁止. Animal abuse and abandon are forbidden in some cities by Dogs Managements Regulations.

《动物防疫法》、《畜牧法》(42条、53条)、《生猪屠宰条例》、各省市养犬管理条例等地方性动物管理等法律法规,以及刑法、渔业法、森林法、自然保护区条例等其他法律规范中有涉及到动物保护的一些规范.  Other regulations that include clauses of animal protection are: Animal Epidemic Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China, Animal Husbandry Law(AHL) of the People's Republic of China, Pig Slaughter Regulations, Dogs Managements Regulations, Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, Fisheries Law of the People's Republic of China, Forest Law of The People's Republic of China, Nature reserve regulations of the People's Republic of China. "AHL article 42: necessary conditions for animal rearing and living in a livestock and poultry farm. AHL article 53: essential space, feeds, and drinking ater must be provided to animals in transportation. "[2]

《农场动物福利良好操作指南》2011年发行。 Good Practice for the Welfare of Farm Animals was published 2011






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  • 当前版本的最后编辑时间为 2013 年 08 月 01 日, 05:27 上午